Registration Fees

Extra-paper: 50 Euro/paper

Fee payment information: For the participants who pay in the Romanian currency (RON) the fee can be paid according to the following information: Beneficiary: ASOCIATIA INGINERILOR ELECTRONISTI TIMISOARA, Cod Fiscal: 10227265 Beneficiary Bank: BRD, Sucursala Timisoara IBAN code: RO58BRDE360SV60771023600 Note: For the Romanian authors, It is strongly recommended to pay the fee in Romanian Currency (RON)!

For the participants who pay in EUR the fee can be paid to:
Beneficiary Bank: BRD Group Societe Generale Romania, Socrates street nr.1 Timisoara
IBAN code: RO38BRDE360SV68561493600

The fee covers participation to Symposium sections, refreshments, cocktail, and hardcopy of the proceedings (student participants will be offered a CD instead). Do not forget: At least one author per paper needs to be registered for the conference in order to have the paper included in the proceedings! Registration form A limited number of accepted papers, proposed by young authors coming from East European and developing countries, will be partially sponsored, upon request.