200 Euro if paid before September 15, 2016
Coffe included
Drinks included
After party
200 Euro if paid before September 15, 2016
Coffe included
Drinks included
After party
75 Euro if paid before September 15, 2016
Coffe included
Drinks included
After party
75 Euro if paid before September 15, 2016
Coffe included
Drinks included
After party
Fee payment information: For the participants who pay in the Romanian currency (RON) the fee can be paid according to the following information: Beneficiary: ASOCIATIA INGINERILOR ELECTRONISTI TIMISOARA, Cod Fiscal: 10227265 Beneficiary Bank: BRD, Sucursala Timisoara IBAN code: RO58BRDE360SV60771023600 Note: For the Romanian authors, It is strongly recommended to pay the fee in Romanian Currency (RON)!
For the participants who pay in EUR the fee can be paid to:
Beneficiary Bank: BRD Group Societe Generale Romania, Socrates street nr.1 Timisoara
IBAN code: RO38BRDE360SV68561493600
The fee covers participation to Symposium sections, refreshments, cocktail, and hardcopy of the proceedings (student participants will be offered a CD instead). Do not forget: At least one author per paper needs to be registered for the conference in order to have the paper included in the proceedings! Registration form A limited number of accepted papers, proposed by young authors coming from East European and developing countries, will be partially sponsored, upon request.