
Program ISETC


- Proposal for special session:                March 20, 2016

- Papers submission:                             June 05, Extended deadline July 10, 2016
- Notification of acceptance:                    September 7, 2016
- Submission of camera-ready papers:     October 3, 2016
- Advanced payment:                              September 25, 2016.

If the conference fee will be paid up to this date, the reductions listed below will apply.
-Registration: October 10, 2016. The conference fee must be paid up to this data in order for the paper(s) to be included in the Proceedings. Registration form


-General: 250 Euro (200 Euro if paid before September 23, 2016).
-IEEE member: 200 Euro.
-Student: 75 Euro.
-Attendants and co-authors: 100 Euro (75 Euro if paid before September 23, 2016).
-Extra-paper: 50 Euro/paper.